Wednesday 8 January 2014

Candida Diet Sweet Secrets

This is my first post on a blog of random posts from my life. If I am going to put my life on the web, it might as well be through a blog.

So, my dear family decide to start a Candida diet cleanse. To rid ourselves of that pesky ear clogging, nose itching smelly fungus that grows inside of almost every human being with a bad diet. For someone with a sweet tooth and serious distaste for stevia sweeteners, going on a diet where I can not have any sugar be it natural or artificial is extremely stomach turning.
so I went online to find some sweets that I could make to curb the sweet tooth I have developed over the past 20 years. After finding some recipes that were either too tedious to cooperate with, or looked like it would taste to much like stevia, I decided to experiment on my own.

Behold the 'Nutty Balls'!
If I am going to give them a name I figured I should pick the most awkward name so that no one will ever forget them.

The recipe I came up with was every nut and seed I could find in my house, a bit of shredded unsweetened coconut, two teaspoons of cocoa powder, and some almond butter. of course that wouldn't be sweet enough so I had to degrade myself into using some stevia. Luckily they have so many disgusting flavors of the wretched sweetener that we own a few that I was able to deal with.
If you can still find it, then I used to powdered vanilla flavored one, and the hazelnut flavored one. I also added a tiny bit of vanilla and coconut water.

We have one of those blenders that you see on the infomercials where you can make only once cup of a smoothie and you aren't forced to share it with anyone in your house because you only have one cups worth. So I used that marvelous machine!
 You pretty much throw everything into it. About a palm full of each: Chia seeds, almonds slices without the skins, walnuts, and pecans. I figure if you can find a naturally sweet nut then try to find macadamia nuts as well.

 Start with maybe 2 teaspoons of cocoa powder. You then put in about 2 scoops of almond butter. The problem with buying almond butter is it separates. so what I did was I used the harder stuff that gathers at the bottom of the jar. so two scoops of that will work perfectly do not use the soft stuff or your pretty much wasting your nuts.
Also go for a bit of coconut, a large pinch should be good enough. Blend that all up with a half tsp of vanilla, and around 5 drops of the macadamia stevia, and half or a quarter of a package of the vanilla powered stevia. You also might want to put a teaspoon or more of coconut water in there if it doesn't blend up to well.
Your blender will most likely get clogged, or do a terrible job of blending it, so have a bit of Patience and keep stabbing the stuff down until it turns into a thick paste.
After that is done, grab some more shredded coconut and crush a few walnuts then roll that all together. Don't blend it cause you will get more paste obviously.
I wanted them to look somewhat professional so i rolled the chunky paste into some sesame seeds to form the balls.
 There you have it! like most Internet recipes, you will most likely fail. So post a picture on Pintrest of you Nailing it, then tag my blog so I can see how awesome they look.

The flavor is you succeed, will be subtle and nutty. its wont taste horrifically like stevia, there will be a little bit of that after taste but if you chew on a bitter cocoa bean first it makes it taste so much better.
 behold the new fudge of the candida dieters!
you can all thank me later.

-Miss Carter.

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